Android version reverted due to major crashes

We have found that the latest update of the our Android app has a major regression causing it to crash often on common functions like Mark all as read or entering Preferences. We understand the impact of this, so we are now reverting to older version until we find the root cause of the issue.
A few words about the “Shake for feedback” feature – We wanted to implement a fast way for you to contact our team in case you need help or have a suggestion. This was not meant to be one of those nag screens to rate our app or write a review. We decided to take the “shake” approach as this seems to be getting more and more standard way for apps to provide feedback (e.g. like Google Maps).
Overall the feature was not accepted well, so it will be removed. You can always contact us by writing to our support email, or via the feedback form in the web version.
The Innologica team.