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20 followers cikk/hét
The Adventures of Ro
This is an attempt to document my adventures through life. Basics about Ro Lesbian living in San Francisco Loves -Fixie Bicycles -Photography -Buddhism -Da Bears Da Bears Da Bears -San Francisco Giants -Interesting Individuals -My wonderful girl
Követés 15 followers 0 cikk/hét
This is an attempt to document my adventures through life. Basics about Ro Lesbian living in San Francisco Loves -Fixie Bicycles -Photography -Buddhism -Da Bears Da Bears Da Bears -San Francisco Giants -Interesting Individuals -My wonderful girl
15 followers 0 cikk/hét
Alex. 29. Barcelona (Spain). INFP. Genderqueer. Vegan for 11 years. In this corner I post compassion & love related things that I like, and share the ethics of how I live my life. My personal posts are here.
Követés 82 followers 0 cikk/hét
Alex. 29. Barcelona (Spain). INFP. Genderqueer. Vegan for 11 years. In this corner I post compassion & love related things that I like, and share the ethics of how I live my life. My personal posts are here.
82 followers 0 cikk/hét

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