Hole dir Inhalte von Websites, Zeitschriften, Blogs, Newslettern und sozialen Medien.
Nutze Automatisierungsregeln, Inhaltsfilter und Sofortübersetzungen.
Share insights with email digests, export options, Team channels and folders.
Mit einem Enterprise-Tarif erhalten alle Nutzer:
- Zugang zu Pro-Funktionen
- Team Dashboard
- Single Sign-On (SSO)
- E-Mail-Auswahl
- Team Kanäle
- Integrationen von Slack/Microsoft Teams
- Onboarding-Session
- Team Ordner
- API Zugriff
- Vorrangiger Support
- Team Tags
- Anpassbare Ausgabe-Feeds
Brand monitoring simplified
As a communications professional juggling multiple clients or brands, monitoring all streams of information and keeping stakeholders up to date can be time-consuming and exhausting. Instead of manually browsing the internet, collecting and sharing updates, you can automate the process and focus on the creative instead.
Research for public institutions
Tasked with keeping track of the latest news, social media mentions, and changes in the public discourse, government agencies often need help managing incoming streams of information. By automating the processes of content aggregation, monitoring, and reporting, your team can focus on in-depth analysis of the collected data and making better-informed decisions.
Helping editorial teams stay sane
Do you spend most of your day scrolling through a bunch of websites, searching for the news that truly matters? There’s no need to anymore. Try a brand new approach where the information comes straight to you while you focus on interpreting and transforming it into powerful stories!
Versuche Inoreader mit deinem Team
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