Обратно към Блога
A hat-trick for Inoreader

Yesterday at an official ceremony Inoreader won 3 of the categories in the Bulgarian Web Awards 2015. Winning on home turf is always deeply satisfying, and we felt compelled to share the news with you all.
We got to apply for the awards almost in the last minute, but, it turns out, the jury recognised Inoreader’s potential and awarded us in 3 categories – that’s all the categories we entered in, a clean 100% success rate! Here’s the official announcement for the news (in Bulgarian, English version here).
The panel we took part in is “Technology and Design” and the awards we got are in the categories “Mobile application”, “Complex web project” and “Single page application”:
The competition was fierce and we’re very happy for being recognized by the jury among so many great projects. We’d like to use this occasion to thank you, our users, for making Inoreader such a rich and vibrant platform. We know these are the first of many awards to come!