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With Inoreader, information comes straight to you the minute it's available. Подписывайтесь на любимые сайты и авторов, коллекционируйте статьи и находите вдохновляющий контент со всего интернета. Отфильтруйте лишнюю информацию и максимально эффективно используйте своё время в Интернете.

Follow your favorite websites and creators
Create a one-stop content hub
Экономьте время с помощью автоматизации
Inoreader Intelligence
Функции? We've got some.
Сайты и RSS
Follow media outlets, blogs, corporate websites, and newsletters. Search for articles and stay ahead with RSS and Web feeds.
Social listening
Следите за страницами Facebook, каналами в Telegram, лентами в Mastodon и Reddit. Sync your YouTube subscriptions and listen to podcasts.
Следящие ленты
Get updates on emerging trends and be the first to know the latest news on your topics and keywords in 30 languages.
Автоматизация для лент
Enjoy the best experience with customized feeds. Используйте фильтры и правила, присваивайте теги и заметки, собирайте важное в папки.
Совместная работа
Bring your team on board and stay ahead of your competitors. Monitor brands, patents, or regulation changes and share insights.
Лучшие источники, отобранные нашей командой. Находите последние местные и мировые новости, популярные статьи и отраслевую аналитику. Use Inoreader to develop your skills and learn, or adopt a new hobby and enjoy lifestyle content with our collections.
Tech News & Trends
Be the first to know the most exciting updates from the world of tech with these feeds.
Business & Finance
Get market news and improve your asset management with insights from select publications.
Industry Insights
Stay informed to stay ahead of your competition with the latest industry trends and insights.
Marketing & Media
Find tips and best practices especially curated for marketing and media professionals.
Skills & Learning
Improve your skill set and become a better version of yourself with these sources.
Hobby & Lifestyle
Tap into your creative side and enjoy your leisure time with these inspiring feeds.
Лучшие источники, отобранные нашей командой. Находите последние местные и мировые новости, популярные статьи и отраслевую аналитику.
Посмотреть коллекцииThey seem to like us
"If you're feeling media burnout from overfed social feeds, Inoreader is a news tool that still sparks joy. It's a research tool, intelligence briefing portal and social media filtration system."
"Inoreader offers a well-designed readable interface, good search and discovery options and a nice set of features that are both beginner-friendly and offer plenty of options for advanced users."
"Inoreader is one of the most feature-packed free RSS readers. A great tool for power users, but it's very accessible for beginners as well."
"Its clean, easy-to-understand interface and wide range of free features make it a good bet."
"It has all the tools and features you need to carefully curate your own news feed."
"Inoreader is one of the best and most well-reviewed RSS feed-reading apps you can find online."
Tiffani Ashley Bell @tiffani
Signed up for @Inoreader. I can’t do this algorithmic timeline garbage anymore. Give me information goddammit https://t.co/WEwKkbwHva
Joel @Jovies007
I don’t know how I managed to live without an RSS Reader until this week. Inoreader helped me stay up to date with all the news and articles I needed without having to open the browser and dealing with the design choices of every website that I visit.
Laura Gibbs @OnlineCrsLady
single most important tool in my toolbox is @Inoreader ... best premium feature for me is rules that automatically apply tags to incoming blog posts from students; it helps me display different streams of student work, as here in Canvas: https://t.co/tcvVjFPQgS YAY INOREADER! :-) https://t.co/U6mwYOUXCR
Matt Cholick @cholick
Just recently discovered my RSS reader (Inoreader) can receive email newsletters and mix them in with the rest of my feeds. So useful. It's time to go on an unsubscribe spree; the inbox was never where I wanted these things.
Mark Vanderbeeken @vanderbeeken
If you don’t want to rely on algorithm defined news timelines, consider good old-fashioned rss feeds. @inoreader is definitely the best reader out there at the moment. I definitely recommend this freemium product from Innologica, a small innovative company in Bulgaria.
Michael Young @myoung
@kimjimenez @digg I switched to Inoreader after we shut digg reader (sorry!).
Colin Madland 🇺🇦🇮🇷 @colinmadland
@amichetti @jbj I didn’t use google reader, but quite enjoy @Inoreader and pay for the upgrade. I’m happy to pay a few bucks for tools that don’t suck.
@[email protected] @GvnCampbell
If you are an RSS feed power user @Inoreader’s web feeds feature is invaluable for those sites that don’t have an RSS feed.
Jeff Strommen 💪🏼 Think Wellness @JStrommen
@warwickabrown @Inoreader Inoreader is THE best reader. You’re in control of the content. Can’t say enough about how @inoreader keeps me up to speed on topics and trends from sources I choose. I get no kickbacks for recommending the 🏆Pro sub. It’s better than Feedly and can curate Flipboard mags.
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