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Three content consumption trends from 2021 to last in 2022

Dec 21, 2021 | Learn
Three content consumption trends from 2021 to last in 2022

2021 is almost over. Looking backward, we can list the most popular and engaging topics and the main content consumption trends for the last 12 months. From #covid and #vaccines, going through the meme-stocks craze and #crypto to #doge and #tesla, and finishing with the #omicron, it was a challenging year for the content consumers. Unfortunately, fake news thrived, and social media algorithms served well for spreading rumors, half-truths, and propaganda.

The challenges of 2021 were remarkable for Inoreader as we got a solid proof of concept for our mission: getting you back the control of your newsfeed. Inoreader stands against the automated models for content distribution based on AI because its single focus is the business model of the big platforms.

Focusing on the content production trends, we identified three concepts that will last in 2022 too. We monitored, listened, and focused on enabling you to take advantage of all of them with Inoreader:

The Newsletter Renaissance

The newsletters got their renaissance – more newsletters than ever were sent to the mailboxes with a single goal: to reach us with the most relevant content. However, the profound change is the access to newsletter services: once typical for the big media outlets, they are now available to every content creator. 

This trend makes it difficult to discover new authors and requires leaving the email address here and there. And therefore, we often just skip subscribing (and thus skip quality and relevant content).

With Inoreader Newsletter service, this inconvenience doesn’t exist: We give you an address, you use it for your preferred newsletter creators, and your Inbox stays safe from flooding or chaos.

Here is a detailed instruction on using Inoreader Newsletter and collecting valuable newsletters directly within Inoreader.

The Walled Gardens

The social media giants’ approach for building walls around the content spreads across many other content producers. It is getting more difficult for the reader to discover quality content and follow all different streams. (Social listening may be difficult, but with Inoreader you can follow Facebook Pages, Reddit feeds, and public Telegram Channels).

Proof for this tendency may be found in many of the redesigns in 2021 that left many websites without RSS, which can be annoying: we need to regularly check for new information, posts, or relevant updates. We are sure that this trend toward RSS neglect will not last long as it favors the reader.

Our solution is here to solve the issue. With our Webfeeds Service, you can convert almost every website to a regular feed – so you can track what is essential with ease!

With Webfeeds you can turn almost any website into a regular feed

Here are the guidelines for building Webfeeds and converting websites to feeds (bonus: we enable you to track visual changes too) 

The Podcast invasion

Everyone can be a content creator! And one of the more engaging genres this year is, without any doubt, the Podcast. We see a steep increase in the platforms for podcast distribution and the approaches towards broadcasting. There is a problem – one show is here, the other one – there, and it may be challenging to navigate between the different platforms.

Inoreader is here to help: you can subscribe to thousands of podcasts and start collecting the most relevant and valuable content. Tag, annotate, save for later – it’s easy! Add your favorite episodes into our media player and listen in the background: while you drive to work or during your workout!

Follow your favorite podcasts. listen in background with our media player. Tag, save or annotate what’s important

Here is how to subscribe to Podcasts with Inoreader

What will 2022 be?

Exciting. 2022 will be exciting! The relevant and timely information will become priceless, but the time to discover trustful and appropriate sources will also increase. The AI algorithms of the giants will continue trying to overwhelm us with unnecessary and unuseful junk. New publishers will emerge, new creators will set the trends. More and more content will be created, published, or streamed.

And you will need an ally to keep your newsfeed under control! Let it be Inoreader! You get all of this (plus many more) at the best price relative to other similar services!

Start your 14-days free trial now (no credit card required).

Read also:

Turn every public Telegram Channel into a Feed
Follow Facebook pages in Inoreader
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